Innovative design solutions

Outdoor rugs, don't just keep dirt out but also enhance the look of your space

Avoid cleaning your room floor every time you walk into your closet. Sturdy, useful and essential, outdoor rugs don’t just keep dirt out of your pied-à-terre but also enhance the look of it. They comprise weather-resistant fabrics that can tolerate rain, snow, and grime far longer than typical interior textiles. More often than not, an outdoor rug also supplements as your luxury furniture giving your space a majestically fresh view.


Solutions to transform your space

With our collaborative power, we are ready to offer you a wide range of design alternatives that will be worth your time. We promise only the best. Have a look at our generations of efforts manifested into exquisite outdoors.

Arki Architecture is a New-York-based studio practice focused on modern design, interiors and landscapes. From our inception in 2007, we have delivered exceptional public. As a full-service firm.

2334 Peterson Street
Kingston UK London

T. +44 1123-2234-21E.